How To Move A Shed

How to move a shed

Over on our helpdesk, we have spoken about how you can Disassemble a Log Cabin, as well as Moving Log Cabin Parts and one of our Shepherd Huts. In this blog however, we want to take the hassle out of panelled buildings such as Sheds and Storage. Whether you’re moving house or reworking your garden space, here’s how to move a shed.

Why Move A Shed?

There are many reasons to shift your shed at any time. The main reason being Moving House. Whilst many garden buildings help increase the value of your property when it comes to selling, you might keep your shed as it guarantee some spare storage space for your new home.

Alternatively, if you’re staying put, you may move your shed for Renovation purposes. It can sometimes be easier to dismantle and rebuild instead of working around the pre-existing building. That way you can optimise your garden goals!

Of course, these are just a few reasons to move a shed. With that said, let’s now look at how…

Dismantling A Shed

Dismantling a Shed

Obviously, you cannot just pick up a completed shed, pop it in a moving van and take it to your new home. It must first be dismantled. Here are the main things you need to focus on when dismantling you panelled shed:


Make sure you’re using the appropriate tools, such as wooden mallet, hammer, screwdriver, pry bar, as well as safety gear. Don’t forget to get the original instructions for your shed for reference.


You will need full access to the shed, so clear any and all belongings in the shed prior to dismantling.


Remember how you built your shed and work in reverse when taking it apart. For sheds, start with the roofing, then dismantle the walls and siding. finish with taking apart the framework and flooring.


Keep all the parts for your shed organised and label them appropriately. You’ll need to keep everything accounted for when you rebuild it.


When dismantling any garden building, some damage may occur. If your Tuin Log Cabin or Shed gets a damaged part, get in touch with us via email:

Moving and Reassembling

Moving and Reassambling your Shed

Once deconstructed, you can safely transport your shed components over to your new property/location. As with anything in transit, there are risks of damage, so be sure to check all shed parts once unloaded.

With everything accounted for, you can start the process of reconstructing your garden she. Make sure you have the instructions once more and follow all the usual preparations and steps.

Hopefully you got some insight into the further possibilities of your garden shed. Now you’ve successfully moved it, why not read about some Garden Storage Ideas.

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About Brandon

Hello there 👋 I'm Brandon, your friendly neighborhood Digital Media specialist and Marketer at Tuin. Passionate about the ever-evolving garden industry and combining this within digital content, I'm here to talk all things Tuin in the blogosphere. I am a creative at heart, and beyond the pixels and gardening I spend my spare time Drawing 🎨 as well as collecting Trading Cards 🎴 and playing a few Video Games 🎮. When it comes to writing blogs, I like to blend informative content with visual flair using my love of garden transformations, making for an enjoyable and engaging experience. I hope you enjoy what I have to offer! ✨

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