Price Match!

While we certainly do our best to keep prices as low as possible, sometimes there may be others who offer a comparable item for less. Why not give us the chance to price match them? With our huge range of log cabins we pride ourselves on offering more of a choice than nearly all UK suppliers.

Just complete the form below, providing a link to the item you have found elsewhere and we will do what we can to match or beat it. Products do need to be comparable to qualify and we do reserve the right to decline a price match.

Step 1 of 2

Found it cheaper? let us know.

If you have found a great deal somewhere else, let us know so we can try and win you back 🙂

Once submitted just sit back and relax, our sales rep will respond as quickly as possible.

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About Ben

Hi, I'm Ben I have been in the business since 2005, worked in all areas including the installation of log cabins and their general upkeep and maintenance. As a keen believer in the joys of the UK garden industry im able to offer value insights into specific constructions commonly used throughout the country. Log cabins and garden gazebos are are the forefront of my interest.

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