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Payment for your order

Frequently asked questions about payment

Please read through this post carefully, as we cover in detail exactly Tuin takes payment for your order.


We highly commit to your security and we do not EVER want to see your credit card details.

Firstly, if you place your order online this goes through our extremely secure server using the latest security protocols which of course is PCI-DSS compliant.

If you pay through the website our staff do not see the card details and these are not stored by us. The pre authorised amount can be amended to a lower amount by us only. If the total cost of the order is to increase, we cannot amend this to a higher amount. In this circumstance the full pre authorisation amount will be voided and a secure payment link will be sent to you pay by.

For invoice payment we use Paypal Professional to handle all payments. Payments can be made with your existing Paypal account or paid without any account.

The process is as follows:

Initial Email for your Payment

You will receive an email from us as below


You will receive an email from us with a payment link. Please click on the “View and Pay Invoice” button.

This shows the due date of the invoice. In the case of log cabins, gazebos, garages, verandas and all our large buildings you this won’t need paying until a delivery week is arranged with you.

Invoice Detail

On clicking your email link you will have this screen in your browser.


The ‘invoice’ will show the amount payable, please check this against your order documents. You can then click the “Pay Now” button at the top of the page.

Payment if you have PayPal

After clicking the pay invoice button this screen will appear, there are two links. Use top one if you wish to use a Paypal account or the bottom one if you do not wish to use an account.


If you do not want to log into Paypal to use their system you can click the second button below it to pay with your Credit or Debit Card.

Payment if you don't have PayPal

On the other hand, if you use the second link this screen will show and you can make your payment securely without ever having to pass your details over to us.


In this screen you can then enter your details securely. This will give you peace of mind that no one has your card details.

Following your payment to Tuin, you will receive an email confirming the payment. This is your receipt of payment for your order.

Read our full Terms and Conditions