PVC Windows and Doors for Log Cabins

With the 2021 season just around the corner- Tuin will be introducing some new options on selected 70mm Log Cabins. PVC Windows and Doors are a hardwearing and virtually maintenance free alternative to standard glass windows and doors. These double layer 28mm glazed windows are an ideal alternative for those not looking for a high maintenance window set.

PVC windows are also recognised for their thermal efficiency – Allowing you to save on heating costs during winter while staying cosy warm inside your cabin. Similar to double glazed windows, the windows are constructed using two panels of glass with a vacuum seal. Reducing the amount of heat that can pass through the gap and increasing its thermal efficiency.

PVC Windows

PVC windows will pair great with roof and floor insulation for all year around use.

While we are currently only offering PVC windows on certain 70mm Log Cabins. You can also chose to have PVC windows on your Bespoke Log Cabin, alongside this you may also select different colour variants for the window frame. Please note that coloured framed windows and doors will cost extra compared to standard white.

PVC Window Construction

PVC Window Maintenance:

A key feature of PVC windows is their ease of maintenance and performance. However, to ensure the windows continue to work at their best efficiency, there is some actions you should take once or twice a year.

The main parts of a PVC window and door maintenance is to lubricate the seals and fittings to ensure the elasticity and function. We recommend using a silicon oil for lubricating the seals. For the fixing we recommend to use a lubricant or oil that doesn’t contain any acids or waxes.

Please note that coloured framed windows may need maintenance twice a year.

For more information on our PVC Windows and Doors please read the following information PDFs.

Windows and Door User Information

PVC Installation Manual

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About Megan

With over 6 years of experience at Tuin, I am a seasoned professional specializing in crafting digital content for Log Cabins, Garden Buildings, and more. As large enthusiast for home improvement, read my posts for a source for creating inviting and functional outdoor spaces. Offering valuable insights on the latest trends and gardening tips, I invite you to explore the world of garden design and DIY with Tuin, where expertise seamlessly meets creativity.

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